Six of Swords + Ten of Swords, Egyptian + Holy Grail
16 swords, that's a lot of swords!
This does not seem like an organic continuation from the past days' cards, but rather a 'new topic'.
We've had two days of potential and the importance of participation in the cards, and now this total shift in energy?!
A 'cancelled trip' and the 'rock bottom' card reversed too - what happened?!
A journey has been aborted or should be aborted? To prevent a crash? Because we've realized something about a behavior or a drive we have - that it's self-destructive or self-sabotaging in a major way?
The 'reason' (thought/intention/drive) we have/had to make the journey suddenly felt 'dead' to us, or the whole thing just didn't seem to be 'worth it'? The cost suddenly seems so much higher than the reward?
I know I'm very much speculating here, and just throw around a lot of questions, and that's because the cards doesn't resonate with my own situation in any clear way ,:)