Six of Swords + Ace of Cups, Spirit + Mystical Cats
It's a 'we've already arrived' kind of thing!
Were in some kind of transition, leaving something familiar behind, heading into the unknown. Some kind of change - mostly in our way of thinking.
Our way of thinking of our emotions - including the 'bad' and sad ones (reversed).
The traditional S6 shows a boat crossing water, here we see a calm figure sitting by the sea.
So it seems as if this transition or 'moving on/forward' doesn't require us to move.
"We're already exactly were we're supposed to be!"
A shift in perspective doesn't require physical movement!
There are things happening - stirring our emotions.
Maybe not on the surface - especially not from the outside - but deep down 'dark stuff' is 'coming at us' - like waves towards our feet on the beach.
But we've learned to resist the urge to let them flow over us again and again, risking them to drag us with them.
We've become the witness.
The one watching, making time, making space.
For the 'good and the bad' ones.
Open to receive them - without engaging in them like before.
That's how we kan "make" emotional responses 'ebb away'.
Through conscious pauses and contemplation, through trust.
I read, "Let you sadness flow as well, trusting that happiness will return in time."
I also like the, "If you drew this card for a question, the answer is no."
All is well - "fear is safe" (#RichardRudd )
No doing necessary (regarding the emotions that is - it's ok to do the dishes ;))!
No to 'fixing'.
No to chasing.
Happiness and new opportunities will come back to us, once our emotions have been allowed their time to 'ebb away' - thanks to compassionate witnessing (as compared to disinterested or distracted or judgmental dito)!
Sadness is as mystical and magical as happiness - when it's truly embraced (rather than engulfed in!
Deck1: #SpiritTarot
Deck2: #MysticalCatsTarot