Six of Cups + Page of Cups, Gamble-Hounsome + Alchemy England
What are we giving out and what are we receiving on an emotional level?
"Six is a number of harmonious flow and here we are asked to achieve this on the emotional level in ourselves."
Explore our "susceptibility" to things.
Follow our feelings beyond our limited view of things, and see were they take us.
Eventually "release that which we find limits us or causes us unhappiness, sadness, discontentment" - things (and mindset, and relationships) we've hold on to despite they actually do not 'serve' us (any longer). We've hold on to them out of 'comfort' or because we haven't paused and even reflected upon our feelings about it and somehow lived in the perception that 'this is the way things are'.
DO they have to be?
We have no obligations to 'stay the same', stay with someone or something because 'that's the way it has always been' or give (or receive) when we don't want to.
Give when we want to give, and only what we actually HAVE to give away - not just keep giving and giving, thoughtlessly and mindlessly, because of some belief that we 'ought to' or always have.
There's a great difference between giving and SERVING, and what we 'ought' to focus on is the latter.
Are we giving in the name of SERVICE? (serving others AND ourselves)
Or are we just THINKING that we are? (the consequences reveal the answer)
Are our EMOTIONAL needs included our exchanges?
They 'ought' to be.
If not - why?
Why would we accept an 'not enough' exchange, settle with 'what we can get' - thinking we cannot 'have it all'?
Or are we cunning in our exchanges? Trying to manipulate a "result"? "Get" something?
How are we motivating our exchanges? What are our intentions?
How honest (with ourselves) are we? (presence of irritation and defense speeches give us away)