Seven of Wands + The Healer, Good + Evolutionary


Stay the course, (evolutionary) healing in progress!!

It may seem like the path is steeper than is possible to climb, and that healing is beyond reach - but it ain't!
It's all progressing in perfect order, pace and flow.

It might be that the "steep terrain" is necessary, to hinder us from proceeding too fast. That is, too fast for us to have time to truly absorb each step and understand the development of the process.
And simultaneously give us time to wrestle with our self-doubt, and in a sense force us to say "yes" to the whole again and again. "Yes, I still want this. Yes, I still believe in this. Yes, I know this is my path."

It's all for our own Good (Tarot) :)
And therefore, the Good of others.

When WE heal, others heal - directly or indirectly.
Whether we see it or are aware of it.
We have NO idea what seeds we are sowing and who we inspire along the way, by just 'showing up to our life' and expressing ourselves from this more and more aligned, inspired and healed place.
Heck, we alone might be changing the course of evolution without knowing it ;)


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