Seven of Wands + Page of Swords, Hobbit + Mystic Mondays
Speaking only when we know what to say, and not fighting for it - not forcing or coercing people to listen.
"Don't let the haters get you down! The world wants to hear what you have to say."
Maybe it seems that our immediate surroundings 'doesn't seem to care', but that's no reason to 'shut up' or to remain or retreat into silence!
It's important for our own growth and expansion that we speak up - when we have something to say, or feel an impulse or calling to share. When it feels important for our integrity, and keeping to our own truth.
It may very well "annoy" people, make us seems like a "contrarian", or that we 'talk too much' because we talk about things people don't normally talk about or because we express ourselves in a way people don't 'normally' do.
Such things can annoy people!!
Authenticity can have that peculiar effect - annoying.
Annoying to people NOT having the "courage" to live by their own truth - or still don't truly know what their truth is.
We've all been there - and will maybe always be in some way :)
So, people showing an inability to embrace, accept or at all comprehend what we say - and showing NO interest whatsoever to do so, and maybe even try to fight us - is no reason to withhold our speech, NOR to defend it (fight back).
No matter how "bad" it feels, this is a time to speak up and living our own peculiar truth - Mars conjunct Uranus (and I have my Uranus opposition NOW)
No matter how much it shakes others - no matter how much it shakes us ,:)
"Cut down your problems one by one; don't let them build up and overwhelm you"
And, realize that things are problem only when we deem them so! When we wish something to be different then it is!
So, we cut down problems by realizing that we have no problems :)
Only things happening (including others' responses), and a bunch of choices how to respond to them. Labelling these things problems doesn't really help our cause ,:)
Only by consistently speaking and living our own truth can 'our people' find us - silence wont to it :)