Seven of Wands + Judgment, Candy + Xultun
Contrasting cards today.
We have the W7R with a rather grim message.
"The situation is bad. You should get it straight and protect yourself"
And then a rather up-beat message in the Judgment cards from the #XultunTarot
"There is renewed energy that signals a change in the way the world is viewed. Health improves and the mind brightens."
"Success is achieved through a mixture of chance and care"
"Love has made its mark"
"Everything is possible"
A card called Planet Venus.
Are the cards showing or confirming that we already are in the midst of changing a 'bad situation for something better (more love and freedom)' because we are redirecting ourselves more towards love, standing up for ourselves and our own needs?
Are we seeing the image of someone becoming more "selfish" and protective of his own energies as he has 'suddenly discovered' that he have been "cornered into" a situation were he have had to defend himself much more than he have realized, or dared to admit? It 'was all so sweet (#CandyTarot )" in the beginning, but have slowly gone sour along the way?
To no fault of his. Maybe he just hasn't had anything to 'compare with'. "This is just how it is"
But 'circumstance' ("chance") has made him see, feel and realize just how 'bad' the situation he lives in has become?
So clearly that he is now determined to shift it, and to 'get back to his roots' (#XultunTarot )?
As 'what has been seen (and felt) cannot be unseen'.
There's no turning back from this realisation and experience.
The only way forward, and path to regain 'freedom and independency', is a redirection.