Seven of Wands, Inner Child Cards
Holding space for doubt, insecurity and uncertainty.
Here we have a delicious mixed bag!
The deck regarding need for playfulness and listening to the need of your inner child.
The card traditionally meaning 'standing up for yourself' or 'holding your ground'.
A card in this deck called a 'healing card', talking about the healing power of plants and nature.
Over at I find the following meaning for the reversed:
"external pressure is weighing you down, leaving you doubting yourself and whether everything is worth it."
So AGAIN or still we have the theme of self-doubt, doubt, and uncertainty (because of 'things happening externally') that make it really tempting to quit.
A sense of "I don't know much more of this I can take!"
Maybe an uncomfortable uncertainty is triggered in us because we don't know the intention of another.
Maybe a deep doubt is triggered because of unpredictable behavior in another.
Maybe muddling confusion (clouds yesterday) is triggered because of 'mixed messages' from another.
So much so that we don't even know what ground to hold anymore!
We feel tossed and turned because of all above mentioned. We've lost the sense of up and down?! We've lost sight of the reason or feeling that made us engage in it in the first place?
Now we just want this confusion to end. To feel safe again. Get our playfulness and freedom back.
The quickest way - push for clarity or get rid of the thing "causing this discomfort".
We must 'Get Answers' or 'Get Out' - that's what the head tells us!
It might give us (temporary) relief, but it wont heal us.
We will never get enough answers from the outside to heal this pain.
If we 'get rid of' this trigger, another one will show up.
It's very tempting to think it's about what's happening TO us, when in fact it's about what's happening INSIDE us.
Maybe it's enough to just accept this fact for know.
We don't have to 'stand strong' today.
We can focus on compassion and holding space for our wounded confused inner child - and release the other from the projection of our discomfort.
Deck: #InnerChildCards