Seven of Wands + Eight of Pent's, Law of Attraction + Fire
Obstacles to overcome - soon the hardest part will be done!
The woman on W7 does NOT look particularly happy with her work ,:)
Or is she just so skilled at her job that she can allow herself to be with whatever feelings she is having, while working and 'doing what needs to be done'? I recognize how her eyes doesn't seem to be focused on the task before her but somewhere else - somewhere inside.
It's a period of hard work. Maybe some of it is tedious and repetitive.
But it has brought us closer to people, and it is expanding us in just the right directions!
I read, "exchanges, associations help your dream come true. All obstacles will be overcome." (LWB, W7)
I smile a bit when I read that interpretation, as the image doesn't feel that 'collaborative' to me - quite a solo work she's performing ,:)
So it's probably a great bit of both - collaboration and stand-alone work - as the cards never lie :)
It fits my situation perfectly!
How will we grow?
We are learning to "bridle energy and channel it stably"
It's a situation perfectly attracted to us, to lit our inner fire just a little bit more!