Seven of Swords + The Lovers, Real Talk + Fantasy Showcase


Let's start with the visual.
I see a quite pissed of lady who is taking a knife from the shelf and putting it in her bag while disappointedly glancing over her shoulder on the kissing couple - maybe one of them being her partner who have "fallen (reversed) in love with someone else". Making a choice NOT to her liking, hence the 'plotting a revenge' theme.
A typical key word for the S7 is Deceit, and this imagery sort of nails it better than I have ever seen..!!
And as if the imagery wasn't enough, the second deck has a unique card called Separation.

Then I go on and read about the cards, to see if there is "more to the story".
There is the wording "potential transgression" and "a challenge to your position" and "an individual invading your space" which goes hand in hand with above image.

One might want to ponder the name of the second deck - Fantasy Showcase.
Are there fantasies involved?

The image doesn't really come with any messages or guidance, but merely 'states a fact' or describes a situation and the emotions involved.

Maybe there just are no answers at the moment. It just is what it is.
Maybe it isn't a pretty image, but a case of 'life happens'?
The first deck is called #RealTalkTarot 
Again, life just ain't only black and white. All shades of grey exists, AND colors.

It may LOOK as simple as "sticky fingers" as the first card is called, but there is more to the story.
Too much emotions.
Sometimes in life you cannot but honor your emotions and see were they might take you.
Even if it makes your life a mess and "hurt" and even enrage people who don't like your choices - though they claim to love you and "should" want what's best for you even if it doesn't match their wants.

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