Seven of Swords, Monstarot


Sneaky energies - don't 'take the bait'!!

"something is not quite right now"
It will take some extra alertness to remain authentic and in alignment!

Maybe not consciously, but someone might be 'playing' us now. Acting or behaving in a concealed kind of way without knowing it (#TraumaReaction ). Which might induce discomfort in us, and - like clockwork - trigger pleasing or 'fix it' parts in us, wanting to either 'take something back' or 'take the discomfort away', for us and the other.

The higher road: sit with our own discomfort, and let the other take care of his/hers as they please - including: not at all (it's just not our business or task to caretake another's emotions).

Discomfort is just that - uncomfortable. It's not dangerous or bad. It's actually quite good - it comes bearing messages.
If we let go of the need and urge to make it go away as quickly as possible we have an excellent opportunity to learn something about ourselves :)

Why this urge to fix, 'make things straight', 'sooth things over', or "worse" - apologize and shrink ourselves?
Why is discomfort so hard to embrace?

Acting on from a 'fix it place' will only take us down a spiral, as there are just too much 'deceitful energies' in the working. And most probably unconscious (trauma induced) dito, why a 'real talk' or 'solution' ain't available or possible for the moment being.

We need to 'remain cool', sit our own discomfort out, and merely 'observe' the situation and let it unfold without (further) intervention on our part. Let the other wrestle or just be on his/her own for a bit.

Nothing is wrong or broken - it's the way it needs to be!
Wounds coming to the surface, needing to be acknowledged, embraced, and released as to make space for something new. (Solar eclipse on Chiron)


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