Seven of Swords + Eight of Swords, St Croix + Cosmic Tribe


Trust the process!!

I think I'm writing for a friend, because I don't experience anything like this at the moment.

A lot of struggle and anguish in today's cards.
Typical key words for S7 are 'betrayal, deception and trickery'. This version talks a little bit differently about it.
"The empty landscape symbolizes how we need to clear the space for difficult tasks", and "Focused concentration is needed in order to complete plans"
Maybe because it is a particularly 'tricky' situation.

Funnily enough this is repeated in the S8.
"The process of making a decision requires us to focus our attention and clarify our options."
"Create a space where you can do this effectively"

A difficult task/decision requiring a 'clear space'.

A decision that will "have a tremendous impact on the future"
Hence the anguish. The fear of 'making the wrong choice'. That horrible place we end up in when we think too much, and don't fully trust our intuition and gut feeling.
Because of old conditioning and programming, because of others' opinions, because of 'rules and morals'.
Causing us to "freak out and lose our ability to see clearly"

Tip: Breathe. Chill out!

"If only for a moment the figure could clear his mind he would see that the winds of change will soon blow him to a place where his decision will be easier to make"

"Don't be too hard on yourself."

It's all just a natural part of the process, because of the aforementioned 'conditioning'. Fears wanting us to retreat to a "safe" (FAMILIAR) place.

It is all unfolding exactly as it should!


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