Seven of Pent's + Ten of Cups, Samurai + Tarot for Kids
A period of massive cleansing - (age) old emotions coming up to the surface for release.
Sounds all roses and lilies, but it's not ,:)
They're not 'just coming up'.
We are 'out on unknown waters' - that is, in a situation that challenges ALL our deep held beliefs in the most confronting way possible. Not by conflict, but by love...!
Triggering our deepest fears of abandonment and rejection. Of 'not being worthy'. Of 'not being loveable'.
Oh boy.
But we have come to this very situation SO WELL prepared - like a Samurai.
The Universe have orchestrated it perfectly - for our good.
It's for sure a case of Peter Crone's:
"Life will present you with people and circumstances to reveal where you are not FREE."
Where and how we are not free to give and receive love - to BE love.
It's BIG.
And it's SO DAMN UNCOMFORTABLE just because we're SO close to truly break free!!
All defense patterns come together, and bring out their biggest guns ,:)
We can feel and recognize it in the arising of disproportional fear reactions.
Feelings and thoughts running amok or very angrily STATING FACTS.
Key: not get lured or dragged down, but insist on the feelings coming up. And just 'let them be'. Feel them, 'bath in them', but not believing in them.
It will take ALL our willpower and conscious choice making. (Think Samurai)
And boy will it be worth it!!
The prince(ss) AND the kingdom will be ours, metaphorically speaking.
Or in other words, FREEDOM!