Seven of Cups + The Star, Steampunk + Candy
Big decisions always come with some level of uncertainty about 'making the right choice'.
Now it seems like a choice has been made. Whether it's visible or not it seems like a 'done deal' energetically speaking, and we can feel it - that, and the insecurities we have around making important and possibly life altering decisions.
It's around the theme of being afraid that we're "fooling ourselves".
Because we've done it so many times before in our lives. Made up dreams we followed, only to 'end up sad and disappointed' in one way or another.
Well formulated in:
"Dreams, desires, and romantic notions cast an attractive haze over certain options"
Maybe we WANTED to want something so much that we convinced both ourselves and others.
All that might have made us super cautious about options in general.
"Fears based in past experiences cause negative reactions to perfectly suitable choices."
Making us think that it is impossible to make a right or even good choice!
So we have ended up in a place were we don't want to make choices at all!
"Will our young man become so caught up in his speculations and fantasies that he neglects to act at all?"
Because when we're that afraid of making a wrong choice it's so much more safe to not make one, and "stay in our heads". That way we won't "get disappointed" or experience "failure", and instead forever chase an illusion of a 'prefect life' or something.
But is that even LIVING?!
Certainly not wen the North Node is in Pisces - the sign of The Dreamer and following your dreams!
We can feel it.
And we also know that we know ourselves so much better than we've ever done.
WE now have the courage to "lifting a cup and taking the first sip of a fresh adventure"
The courage to meet our fears regarding making choices and following our dreams - because now we know which dreams are real, because they feel SO delicious to think about!