Seven of Cups + The Lovers, Evolutionary + Apokalypsis


Seeing through our own illusions and empty hopes ('promises/potential never coming true') and letting relationships drop (or the view on them change or shift)!

When people show who they are - believe them :)

It may feel strange (read: 'bad'). It may feel contradictory to 'who we are' - the 'nice guy' (or, is it merely pleasing, or fear...).
Some sort of 'calling out' is now a necessary step in our evolution (especially with a North Node currently in Aries).
Radical #SelfHonesty regarding what we want and need, and maybe dropping people who doesn't 'reach (out) for us' (unless they have the occasional time or are bored).

Maybe lessen our investment in people who doesn't stretch themselves - not 'for' us of course, but as a natural part of being an individual wanting to continually grow, and stretch for what they want and need.
Not just sweet words and 'promising' - but action that matches this talk too!

Not that it's a bad thing/feature not wanting to stretch - but if it is an important feature for US in a relationship, we need to be honest with OURSELVES about this - and secondly inform the 'other' about our awesome insight into ourselves! :)

Because it's also not our task to tell or teach someone to stretch outside of what they wan to (if were not asked to that is), but right now it seems like it's our task to inform and act on what we want and need - and drop what doesn't match this.

For now.
Our radical self-honesty and straight-forwardness MAY shake and activate something in the 'other', make them WANT to change/grow/stretch - shifting the relationship - but that should not be our driving force or goal.
The honesty and #clarity is the thing here, not clinging to 'potentials' - but looking at 'factuals'.

Having the integrity to act in alignment with our needs - AND let others be and act how they want to, and feel that they need.

This outspoken honesty might 'rock our system' - like an Apokalyps.
Ignite all our fears of 'being left (alone)' - but it's better to 'be alone' than to lie to ourselves just for 'company'.

Deck1: #EvolutionaryTarot
Deck2: #ApokalypsisTarot

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