Seven of Cups + Six of Cups, Golden Age of Hollywood + Alcohol


"past hurt informs your future fear" #Peter Crone 

The cards continue to be a bit elusive, just as life in general feels right now!
'Strange things are happening'.
My dreams are equally cryptic.
Strange, novel and/or contradictory information and events everywhere I look - in my life and in the life of others as well!

Quite fitting then to get the Seven of Cups I just realized..!
A card I'm not particularly fond of! I always get the feeling that the universe is telling me to "GET REAL for God's sake". That I'm lost in projection or some kind of illusion and must 'wake the fuck up'.
My inner stern, serious reality bound Saturn who does NOT want to get caught 'dreaming'.
The jovial Jupiter right next to him always have had to adjust to this.

I now have a general sense that it's actually very important to dream.
To lighten up considerably around the word REALITY.
We've had this theme in the cards very much lately.
Creating the reality we WANT to live in - and not just try to adjust to and manage the one we happen to find ourselves in. Like (my) Saturn is trained to do.

"Follow your heart" I read for this C7.
Not a Saturn thing! ,:)

And not merely adjust to 'how things are (and have always been)' - and 'drown our sorrows' (#AlcoholTarot ).
Not let our past (C6) dictate our future.
That it has 'never worked out before' does NOT mean in won't now, for example!
Maybe we HAVE 'fooled ourselves' before - but that doesn't mean we are doing it now!

What if our dreams actually CAN become reality, and that things actually ARE as good as they look, feel and 'appear'?!
Maybe it's not a 'mirage'.
Maybe it's safe and right to lean into and TRUST the feelings we have, and the situation we are in?

Maybe the eventual 'discord in information' and the 'weird things' we are experiencing is merely due to our resistance?
A deep rooted 'holding back'. A deep rooted fear of 'getting our hopes up' because of all the times things 'blew up' or vaporized in the past (C6).

The heart in itself has no fears, it just wants to (be) love - lets follow that!

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