Queen of Wands + The High Priestess, Raven's Prophecy + Happy
Not a moment to be shy - but beware of 'getting lost in passion' (or confidence) and lose touch with your core!
Quite contrasting cards today!
A feisty queen card and a pretty innocent priestess ,:)
At the moment, "the road to happiness" isn't by 'showing our best side only'? Or to pretend that we don't have 'bad' sides.
Of course, how could it now be otherwise - the Sun just entered Scorpio!!
I guess the trick is to not let 'all hell break lose' and let it turn into a Devil moment with no limitations or inhibitions whatsoever! ,:)
Like we would ever ;)
A don't throw the innocence out with the bath water kinda thing!
The Fire Queen can become a bit TOO confident!
"not afraid for the challenges to come"
"knows what she wants"
Is of course a good thing, but as all things...
And, included is a "tendence" to also know what OTHERS not only wants, but needs..! ,:)
So the warning centers around "taking on others problems". Or/and LETTING others slide their problems over to us.
Or - the leading rope.
Especially if were talking man-woman dynamics and relationship.
It's ok (and timely) to show our feisty sides, but not ok to manipulate another or beginning to control the development of things. Thinking we somehow know the best way to reach our goals and dreams, and who should participate, and how.
WE know what WE want, and it's perfectly fine (and timely) to show it, but it's not recommended to pull another into it nor "plant a matching want" in another for example.
A warning not to become blinded by our own needs and desires when we now 'let them lose'.
So that we don't fall into old patterns of projecting our needs onto others, OR let/play along when others project wishes onto us...
So in that sense "playing a bit hard to get", as to give THEM time and space to figure out THEIR true needs.
If it "pushes someone way" - be ok with that!
They are then not 'ready to lead'. Not yet sure what they want. Or want to play games of a kind we do best in avoiding henceforth.
For sure not a fit for us - as of now. Not meaning they can't "grow into it" - but that's something they have to decide and figure out for themselves #EmoionalResponsibility