Queen of Wands + Queen of Cups, Healing + Legends
As hard as it seems at first glance, you're now ready to try out new ways to heal this from the roots up - emotionally, not analytically!
Deck: #HealingTarot
Theme: "78 ways to wellness"
Card: Queen of Wands
"Approach your health concerns with creativity: Think outside the box."
Deck: #LegendsTarot
Theme: "embracing the light while dancing with the dark"
Card: Queen of Cups
"seeks to help those who have lost their way emotionally"
I've been walking the razor's edge for many weeks now. With massive anxiety and nervousness very close to the surface, and also popping it a couple of times. Fight/flight energies continuously running throughout my body.
It feels like a mix of new and old.
It's like all the anxiety I've felt in whole my life (42 years, more or less full-time) have been summoned.
It's highly uncomfortable, and the heatstroke this past Monday pushed my whole system over the edge into exhaustion and #Freeze - #SurvivalMode
Too much too fast.
My thinking capacity is down to about 20%. Not to mention my stress tolerance!
I can clearly feel my heart beats.
It's like I can feel how most of my brain has been plugged out.
All these responses terrified me before.
But it feels different now.
Oddly enough, something makes it feel almost like a 'timely culmination'. Like everything is about to come together.
That I now have enough knowledge, awareness, tools and resources to finally face it, embrace it and heal it from the roots.
But it will require much faith, and even more courage, to 'approach this with creativity'.
To 'embrace the light while dancing with the dark'.
My latest inspiration: Aimie Apigian
Very curious about her 21-day journey!