Queen of Wands + King of Cups, Lost Tarot of Nostradamus + Today's Journey
Connecting to the emotions instead of building barriers around them to "protect them".
Queen of Suns.
I read about Lucrezia Borgia, the ruthless "infamous poisoner".
"However, there is a great deal more to her than this."
My mind goes to Teal Swan, which I've suddenly begun listening to lately.
A woman with 'quite the reputation'. But - there's probably a 'great deal more to her than this'!
"she was a pawn in the politics"
I used to feel there was something creepy about her, without (still not) knowing her story - "google wise".
That has suddenly changed, and I'm now super open and super curious to hear her story and what she has to say!
This has happened a few times lately - me shifting my 'opinions' about people suddenly and fully.
That is: laying down my judgment, withdrawing projections.
I can now state that it's quite a vulnerable experience to do so.
One part 'admitting I was wrong' and one part 'facing fear' - turning towards that in myself which I just judged/feared in another. Letting down a barrier I used to have between me and them - out of fear in some shape or form.
Opinions or judgment are just different types of barriers/protection. To 'keep a threat away'. Something we don't like, are afraid of, or outright despise - as we're afraid or unwilling to see those exact parts in ourselves. It annoys us how THEY 'shamelessly displays' these qualities, while we repress them and are highly ashamed or insecure about them.
It's a very healing experience to drop judgment and shift into curiosity I can say!
Overwhelming (and vulnerable) at first but then so 'whole body nurturing', as one become so much more connected to ones emotions in the process. Connection to the emotions instead of building barriers around them to "protect them".