Queen of Pent's + Ten of Pent's, Disney Villains + Light Seer's


To be or not to be - the villain.

We see Medusa grinning happily over her riches, which she has acquired by buying and selling precious stuff that people have had to give up to save their lives (she has a pawn shop). Clearly unconcerned by others and their eventual happiness (back turned). She is only concerned about herself, and 'what's in it for her'.

Is this the full story though? Or is it our conscience playing tricks with us?
According to myth, Medusa is "a dangerous threat meant to deter other dangerous threats".
So, she may not be a "good girl", but she actually wards off even worse girls (things)?!

And, isn't a pawn shop actually a good thing? Giving people the possibility to "buy time" and thereby facilitate for them to "get their shit together"? And, you're only pawning THINGS. Even though they may be and feel precious to you, it's only THINGS - maybe it will actually serve you to separate from them?
If you're truly meant to have them - you will manage to get them back.

So, maybe we are now concerned about our own 'coldness', or our seeming indifference about the possibility/risk that we are 'messing up someone's life'. That we are afraid that we are so focused on our own growth that we don't see the damage we're "doing to others".

But aren't 'the other' responsible for their own life? If they have chosen to 'do business' with us, isn't that their call?
Especially if we've gone about it in a 'clean way'. Not chasing attention or manipulating, but merely sitting in our show presenting our offers. Maybe with LARGE windows and posters, but still - only offering, no trickery. Just full out transparency, as we're proud to finally begin to know who we are and what we have offer!

Even it's a "shady" situation, maybe it's for 'the long term good' for all participants?

Maybe 'the happy scenery' isn't that happy? Maybe it's surface happiness? IF we happen to be the trigger that pop that bubble, maybe that is exactly what is meant to happen? Even if some will deem it EVIL.
Down the road it might be the best thing that could have happened?

Life isn't black or white!
Focus on authenticity - and not on being the 'good girl'.


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