Queen of Pent's + Queen of Wands, Celestial + Sex Fortunes
"an internal sense of security and confidence to be in the world", but when it comes to true intimacy and RECEIVING it's not quite the same confidence?
Becoming more and more 'comfortable with ourselves', who we want to be, and what we want in general but in relationships in particular, but actually allowing ourselves to receive it is not as easy as it looks on paper! ,:)
In general, women have been programmed to perpetually give, in all areas and situations of life. Which often makes them eventually feel like 'mothers' to their partners. Not super sexy, and kills many a relationship.
It's actually 'the masculine role to give (provide)', the feminine role to receive.
And, as women have been so much on our giving side we have been unaccustomed to and even incapable of receiving.
We are now out there giving, offering, and "going after what we want".
It takes a lot to 'turn the tide'.
For ourselves, and to 'get the other side play along'. As men now have been accustomed to "strong women" and being chased. And, as men are 'comfortable creatures' by nature, it's not that they jump off their couch and begin pursuing again (as they also have been punished for it for so long now too...) ,:)
So, it's probably not merely about turning off the giving as a woman, and replace the man on the sofa, and just 'wait for it'.
There (can) hide a LOT of resistance (fear) in this act. Waiting and PROCLAIMING readiness is NOT the same thing as actually BEING ready or even willing to receive!
There must be activity even on the receiving side!
In form of learning about and understanding the mechanisms of giving and receiving, about our differences in biology and primary needs, about how different our hormonal makeup are #polarity
In form of nurturing ourselves, and make ourselves attractive and radiant - from the inside! Show ourselves and others that we can be happy and comfortable by ourselves, and not need another to MAKE us happy. And, show clearly how and when the other make us happIER.
Make it easier and more attractive for the other to give - to fulfil us.
By choice, not by our demand or neediness.
Otherwise it's taking, not receiving.