Queen of Pent's + Queen of Wands, Catomancy + Dungeons & Dragons


Self-care and building up energy and courage to take it to the next level.

Pair in queens - there's a lot of intuition in play now, things 'happening behind the scenes', out of sight, hidden processes - which we cannot and should not try to influence, nor 'understand'.

There is nothing else we have to do now than take care of ourselves, like the cat calmly and carefully cleaning herself up after her last hunt, play, adventure or usual roaming around her territory. There's not a thought in her head about what went right or wrong during her recent outing, nor does she fret about upcoming tasks.

She doesn't ponder whether she 'got what it takes', or ask herself if she's enough or 'ready'.
When the time is ripe to get out and 'get her paws dirty again' she gets out. She spends no time worrying about "when, how, where" - she's got tons of integrity and she trusts her instincts.

She is right were she's supposed to be, not afraid for what has been or what is coming!

1: #CatomancyTarot
2: #DungeonsAndDragonsTarot

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