Queen of Pent's + Devil, Joie de Vivre + Fantasy Showcase


Giving what we are here to give, and not to please or to get.

All reversed, but the message feels positive.
For the first card I read, "being a slave to one's own generosity, suspicion, and fear"
And then a card somewhat symbolizing Slavery reversed.

It seems like we are working through some old fears (rabbit) and addictions regarding the PQ archetype.
Maybe we have felt we don't even 'have anything to give'. Been very uncertain about our 'nurturing capacities', and either held that part us back or (and) have tried to compensate in some way. Like ACTING nurturing, while feeling all but that. Almost having to pretend to care because we're just so unfamiliar with it for some reason, and "doing it" because we think we should or ought to. Especially as a woman.

This all of course comes from trauma, or in #GNM language: early biological conflict(s).
The care we then offer, is the care and nurturing we somehow lack and desire. That is, the care we then offer comes from a conflicted place. And the receiver feels it. And, we probably attract people having "matching (biological) conflicts" to ours.
So it becomes this "bonding in trauma" - "bonding from hell" :)

One classic: giving to receive.
Conditional giving.
Another: giving to please.
Need for acceptance or assurance that we're (good) enough.

This for sure involves "suspicion and fear". The fear of not getting what we want (or need), and the uncomfortable suspicion that something is wrong that never goes away.
Because when we 'give to correct a fault' (that we believe we have) there's just no amount that will do it.
"You can't get enough of something that is ALMOST working"

From this place we easily get jealous (suspicious). Try to adapt. Give more of what we think will get us what we want ('slave to our generosity'). Under the perception that we give so freely, but always with the feeling that we give and give and give.
For a TRUE generous person, giving is second nature. They just do it, and they don't 'keep count' or lament.

Events now "force us" to reflect on our 'giving patterns' and have us become deeply aware of the unique gifts WE have and are here to give. It's the only thing that will 'get us where we want'!


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