Queen of Cups + Sorceress, Journey Into Egypt + Shapeshifter
Involuntarily provoking uncomfortable shifts.
And the theme of "the evil woman" continues.
Now in the double. The (alleged) Enchantress and The Sorceress.
Remember Medusa 2 days ago and the modern witch YD?
And the theme of Rule Breaking, regarding something quite 'tabu', is enforced - something I mostly intuited YD.
The Great Question remains also though - 'breaking' from who's perspective?!
Primarily the ones not wanting change of course. Or having and unwanted change forced upon them.
Are all these ladies witches to be burned, or are their 'sorcery' a 'necessary evil'?
Creating a 'necessary stirring in the pot'?
To provoke development and expansion, in the name of evolution.
Or our civilization WILL degrade.
"Cleopatra remains a mysterious, intriguing woman who haunts even our modern psyches. Her body has never been found and likely never will."
"None of her writings remain and most of her history is written BY HER ENEMIES who depicted her as a shallow enchantress who ensnared men with sexuality and used them for her own ambition"
Of course, to the 'enemy' it will look like that.
But what REALLY happened?
Not a comfortable place, role and task this - being 'The Destroyer'.
Without even "trying".
Having the whole thing almost 'thrown upon you', by a series of synchronicities.
And having the equally uncomfortable (witchy) intuition that whatever is happening 'HAS to happen' (evolution).
Because it unfolds as if 'uncontrollable - out of your hands'.