Page of Wands + The Lovers, Magical Dogs + Vikings
Courageously and curiously going after what we want - fully committed no matter the effort asked of us!
A very cute and brave little Beagle pup and "the first spark of inspiration".
Really - playing with fire?! Is that such a good idea?
When the fire represents fear, it is!
It's the best way to approach fear in ourselves and others - with curiosity and 'innocence'. Not 'backing down' when 'fear shows its ugly face'.
(Remember how intensively we've also gotten the guidance not to hide or withdraw lately?)
When fear shows up as arrogance, despise, disrespect or such, a very effective choice of response is to 'embody curiosity', and the attitude we see in the lovely creature in the first card.
And not 'fight fire with fire', or recoil because we 'feel hurt'.
And again we are told to "don't give up".
To commit - The Lovers.
Though it's very challenging - The Vikings Tarot.
It's challenging our deepest hurts, beliefs, and patterns.
For the good!!
This annoying, and potentially dangerous, fire is the path to our dreams.
Or as the text says, it's "the first spark of inspiration", which will eventually become "his life's passions and desires"
This little pup is "unburdened with the responsibilities that come with age".
They will come (again, commitment in the 2nd card), but for now - play and learn.
We're in a very important 'rehearsal period'.
Rehearsal for what?
As it looks like, an even greater commitment.
The commitment of our dreams.