Page of Wands + Four of Swords, Unicorn + Rosetta


Headstrong energies floating around - remain calm!

It's a beautiful continuation on yesterday's theme, where I wrote about 'having the courage to speak out'.
Not speak up TO someone, but for ourselves - from a place of integrity and LOVE. With no trace of aggressivity or defense.
Speaking out because if we don't we sort of lie!

There are times and places where we better keep quiet, when it's enough that WE know what we feel.
But now we're in a place and situation that 'demands' that we express ourselves, and where keeping quiet would amount to hiding and denying ourselves.
Express ourselves, and don't 'take it back' or shrink afterwards - as that would be a form of denial, and 'excusing' ourselves and our feelings.
Which is probably something we've done previously in our lives.

Shrink down because others have 'fought back' (yesterday) - taken our words/expression personally or in general have become uncomfortable with our sharing. Or, as mentioned today - become 'headstrong'. 

As also mentioned yesterday - authentic expression can 'annoy', and 'cause' (trigger) irritation. Both negative and positive expression actually!
The 'negative' expression is the more obvious one of course. It's quite understandable that it can trigger if we express how we feel about how someone has acted or spoken. That it can be hard for someone to detach from their own immediate reaction and just listen and embrace what we just shared - how WE feel, without drowning in their own triggered hurt.

Many people are really uncomfortable with the 'positive' expression too - true Love.
Yearn it but fear it. Mix it up with 'romantic' love. This, instead of hurt, can trigger fear - and anger. Especially if it's a person holding a deep belief that they are 'unlovable'. Our Love becomes a threat, that has to be fought back.

Continued advice: don't fight back! Fear can't be beaten on it's own turf :)

It's super hurtful to have a 'sharing' be "attacked", and very tempting to 'counteract' "headstrong" energies (or hide in hurt), but that's just not the authentic way to stand up for our feelings and experience!


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