Page of Swords, True Black Tarot


Speaking straightforwardly with our heads held high!

Slicing through that which 'ensnare us'. Most probably an inner fear, wound or attitude - merely mirrored in a 'situation' on the outside.

Something is hindering us from moving on. Something we're afraid of 'boldly speaking up' about?
Tell ourself firstly, but probably also and actually someone else.
Something we cannot and should not just 'let go of'.

Mars conjunct Mercury (still conjunct sun) opposing the Big Expander: Jupiter.

Courageously (Mars) communicating (Mercury) what needs to be said - according to our soul/intuition, not our opinion.
FOR ourselves, not TO someone else.

Speaking our 'deepest darkest' truth - maybe for the first time in some sense (Page, the novice).
Not 'caring' if our truth seem like 'making something small too big' (Jupiter) to others.

Our own happiness is at stake here.
Not a time to 'shrink ourselves' or 'keep shut' in fear of being judged, misunderstood or 'making a big deal'.

There are different ways of saying things!
And there's were we should put our focus (not the 'result' or what we eventually want to 'teach' someone - not our business).
Task: make sure we speak from, and with, (as much) clarity (as possible).
Make an effort to avoid to speak from blame, guilt, fear, or victimhood.

What is it that you need to 'get off your chest' or 'say out loud', if you go deep and are really honest with yourself?
What 'holds you back', maybe merely because you're not 'cutting yourself free'?

Deck: #TrueBlackTarot

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