Page of Swords + Seven of Pent's, Eclectic + Dream Raven
Our alertness, reconnaissance and some courageous 'messaging' have given results - just not ones to harvest yet.
"Because he is focused on long term goals, he cannot touch his harvest right now" - Labyrinthos
I think about asparagus, which takes many seasons before you can 'enjoy', taste-wise.
"You are not in for quick wins" - BiddyTarot
The Page of Swords sort of is, but can now lean back a minute and pass the torch.
And we can feel it, hence no reversed cards or palpable resistance.
The 2nd card is extremely positive in its wording, as to assure us we've done great work - in case we don't trust it or feel it ,:)
"These moments are incredible and exciting. Right before his eyes, the hard work and investment of his passion are actively growing - with returns ready to be had shortly"
"you have certainly put in the time and effort" - "well worth applause"
Well worth some rest.
The past week wasn't an easy ride.