Page of Swords, Bosch Tarot
Standing our ground in 'relationships of different of opinions' - not backing down in fear of 'bullying' or of being ostracized.
It's a clear continuation from previous days cards. The day before yesterday we had the C10 reversed, and yesterday we had the 'neighbor disagreement'.
The theme of 'managing less then optimal relationships'. Or relationships 'not being what we like them to be'.
Accepting that some relationships never will be.
The fact is that we will always meet people with different opinions about what a relationship (close or otherwise) is, and should be. Some even with - according to us - deeply skewed perspectives on it. Because of tradition, programming or trauma - or all of it, just like us.
And we will also continue to encounter people who don't want to (or are able to) look at their behaviors, their trauma reactions, and least of all work with it.
The big question is not how we change them, but how WE think, speak and act.
That WE work on acceptance of what IS - not how things should be different, or how others should be different.
Learning to walk away when something doesn't 'suit us'.
Learning to choose not to 'play along' in relationship dynamics that doesn't match our needs, or even neglects them.
Practicing to see and feel when a relationship has 'passed its expiring date' - no longer serving our development.
And have the courage to leave it - with a clear statement, or quietly, depending on the situation. Not letting ourselves be 'bullied to stay' out of fear of 'letting someone down' or other ingrained sense of shame or guilt.
Guilt really shouldn't be the driving force to stay in any relationship - no matter the kind of "bond"!!
It is clearly a time of defining FOR OURSELVES what to 'tolerate' in relationships.
This is NOT, at least not primarily, about 'setting boundaries' or telling someone something, but about making clear "inner decisions" and about limiting our investment in relationships and relationship dynamics not serving us or our development.
Relationships were we are 'forced' or expected to behave in a particular way - contrary to our authenticity.