Page of Pent's + Three of Cups, Dream Enchantress + Journey to the Orient


Take information that comes to you (from the outside) with a grain of salt, put your prestige aside, and accept that some relationships may be/feel somewhat inharmonious right now.

Continue being a little in the background, taking things calmly and slowly.
Not providing or giving everything for all to all (day before yesterday + yesterday).

Again: be mindful how, where and in whom you invest your energy and your resources. 

The world is in desperate need of calm connected and awake people that can look far beyond momentary pleasure and merriment right now. People that go within rather than without for information and answers.

Deck: Dream Enchantress Tarot
Theme: "serving as a mysterious bridge between the conscious and subconscious"
Card: Page of Pentacles (R)
"Whatever news comes your way right now, do not be misled" <3
"Go slowly, taking careful, steady steps."
"Keep your belongings secure.

Deck: Journey to the Orient Tarot
Theme: "west visits east"
Card: Three of Cups (R)

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