Page of Pentacles, Urban Tarot
Time to realign with our childlike curiosity and innocence!
Again a card pictured and interpreted a little bit different than 'usual'!
Traditionally we see a rather dreamy fellow standing in the fields, pondering over that pentacle in his hands.
"you are tapping into your ability to manifest a personal goal or dream"
"this Page does not specify the fulfilment of dreams as much as the initial motivation and energy to begin the process of turning those dreams to reality."
Then we have this guy!
"makes money from nothing but math and confidence"
We've just begun some kind of journey (cards 3 days ago).
We feel such potential, and even rare excitement - are we actually heading for our dream?! (Jupiter/NN)
A realisation igniting fear within.
#UpperLimitProblem #TraumaResponse
Suddenly we're sacred to 'do something wrong' or basically - 'blow it' ("again").
Scared we're not at all ready #NotEnough
Our meaning making machine (brain/head) pops in 'to the rescue'.
'Leave this to me.' it confidently states, pulls up its sleaves, and begin 'calculating' ':)
Fear can easily have us lose our innocence, curiosity and playfulness - the connection with our heart - and turn us into this result oriented surface focused person - trying to 'figure out how to act' to 'win (fulfil the dream)'!
Let's pause for a second!
Compassionately recognizing the shifts in our bodies, the awakened fear.
Embracing the scared inner child and the fear, and feel it 'ebb away' (yesterday's cards)
Then realign with the youthful authentic energy that got us into this adventure in the first place :)
Deck: #UrbanTarot