Page of Cups, Tarot of Trees
Fullness from following our intuition and our inner voice!
Lots of imperceptible growth now. Just like its impossible to see a tree grow, but it for sure does.
Growth stemming from our newfound capacity to listen to and trust our intuition and heart's wisdom.
Growth stemming from living more and more with an open heart 'no matter what'.
The feeling is like no one else! A sense of fullness that cannot be achieved any other way.
No person, situation or event can create this feeling within.
Only living with an open heart no matter what person, situation or event is presented to us can give birth to it!
Not only letting others do what they want and need, but doing so with an honestly and fully open heart.
Not entertaining any judgment about the other's choices.
We might of course still have thoughts and opinions - hard to shut them off in a coffee break - but we don't give them any nourishment. We let them them be - acknowledged but not entertained. That's how they will eventually cease to even pop up!
And we adjust our interaction accordingly.
Letting others do what they want and need without judgment doesn't mean we have to AGREE or even LIKE it - but instead of projecting, 'correcting' or trying to push our perspectives on others, we remove ourselves if that is what is needed for us to remain open in our hearts!
The more we can remain open even during duress, uncertainty and hurt, the fuller we feel!
The more we don't require things to be perfect or even good to be able to feel and be love, the more magical life feels!
It's how we act when things NOT 'go our way' that builds us.
How well we can 'find and follow a new flow'.
Or, "How you do anything is how you do everything"