Nine of Wands + Seven of Cups, Voyager + Friends
We're not confused because of choices we have to make, but because we don't have clarity about our core values and deepest desires!
Seven of Cups two days in a row.
Our unease and scattered feelings are not because we have to make important decisions or choosing a direction.
They are jumping hither and tither because we're more in our heads than our hearts.
A friend might be of help in this, an open friend that we can explore different possibilities with.
And we better make sure we're not trying to direct or unconsciously manipulate things in one particular direction during this process.
Lifting up one path (cup) above the other because we think that one is 'better', for whatever ('good') reason!
Because right now our mind is playing tricks with us. Or rather, it tries to 'bring order to our confusion'.
It most likely tries to find the shortest way out of it.
Or the 'best' way, the 'optimal way', the most 'productive' way.
But if we don't know what we really and truly want, how can we know that?
Let's just let all possibilities remain possible, and focus our integrity on not pushing things!
THAT's the path now. Accepting that we don't know were to go right now - because we don't know what we want!
We might THINK we know what we want - but we don't!
If we truly knew, we wouldn't be confused like this :)
Or, we might think that we can FIGURE it out - but we can't!
We have to actually FEEL!
"You can't think your way out of a feeling problem" #DrRussellKennedy
Life is the journey (Voyager).
And now is a perfect opportunity to beFRIEND ourselves and our emotions a bit more, and to explore our core values rather than 'outer choices'!
It might appear as if we 'don't have time', but THAT's an illusion - rest assured that any decision made before we have clarity will backfire in one way or another.
Full Moon eclipse coming up in powerful #GeneKeys 1 and 2 - the timing is perfect, of course ;)
#Orientation (2) - assure alignment with our cores.
#Freshness - a new fresh start, from our centers, from the source!
A perfect time to 'stop being who are/were told to be' (and eventually even told ourselves to be...)!
Deck1: #VoyagerTarot
Deck2: #FriendsTarot