Nine of Swords + The Star, Art of Life + Gill
A test to our foundation, and an invitation to listen to and realign with our inner truth.
S9 ain't a pretty card. It talks about massive anxiety and worries.
And for the Star card I read about how it comes after the Tower - "a period of instability, which invariably led to much inner questioning".
We're in a situation were we have gotten shaken in some way, and now we're contemplating how to "move on".
The first card says it in clear words:
"The longer we dwell on our misfortune, the greater is their power to harm us."
And the 2nd card reminds us about:
"many of us in fear and relief turn to constructing another Tower, again on our old ways of thinking"
So, not to dwell on our misfortune - the stories our head wants to tell us about what has happened. And, not to hasten to "rebuild" what might have 'fallen apart' because of it.
My guess though, is that nothing HAS fallen apart. Because it isn't The Tower, but 'the card of worries' that accompanies The Star. So any initiative to build something in this moment would probably only end up being a WALL. A wall around our heart. A new layer of protection around a wound.
Better to look at, tend to, and heal the wound, don't ya think?!
Whatever was triggered, is triggered for a reason.
For us to listen to the feelings rather than the head's narrative about what happened to 'cause' them to well up.
Like the Star woman who has "turned her back on the world and gazes calmly within", into the waters.
It only pains us MORE if we turn our back to the feelings, like the woman in the first card who turns her back to the waters and chooses to "dwell on the misfortune" instead.
It's much easier said than done, but we have what it takes to 'turn this (too) around', no question about it.