Nine of Swords + Four of Cups, Golden Age of Hollywood + Silicon Dawn
There is nothing to be found for us in shallow relationships or circumstances - we need to move on from that, no matter how 'comfortable'.
"Move on, move on; this comfort is a trap"
Why is it so hard? To let go of things and people that have past their 'best before date' in our lives a considerable time ago?
Not taking the step to truly 'move on'.
Why is it so hard to Answer the Call, mentioned yesterday?
'What's the harm in...X...'
'Just one drink'
Something unconscious cannot let go of the hope that 'things might magically change', if we just 'stay put'.
Or that we must have a 'clear reason' to move on - that something must be obviously 'bad', so that we obviously have to move AWAY.
That we must have something clearly 'better' to move on to - or just something 'clear'.
You know what?
A call to move on is reason enough to move on (or 'leave the party') ;)
Whether we fully understand or feel this need isn't relevant!
We're being guided towards something 'better'. Something 'fuller'.
Towards growth and expansion.
Which is SO much more fulfilling than mere 'fun'.
We know it, yet we still habitually resist and agonize.
The first deck is the deck of 'veto' - the universe has the right to give us 'orders' (guidance) without giving reasons you know ;)
And if we don't heed it, it will probably give us guidance in an even more uncomfortable way - why wait?