Nine of Swords, Art of Love Tarot
Embracing the pain instead of letting it use up our life force!
I see the exact same message as yesterday!
So I feel inclined to repeat some of what I wrote then.
"Right now we might feel an undercurrent of sadness. An elusive sense of missing something.
If we refrain from trying to name it, or rush to find a 'rational reason' for it - that there's 'lack' in relationships for example, or that 'others just don't understand us' - we might realise and feel that it's more a matter of an archetypal sensation of grief.
That sense of 'separation', old as time itself."
Because it is. This feeling begun its buildup the moment we separated from - and begun trying to control - nature.
(instead of living in alignment with her and her cycles)
"The inherited sadness and sense of separation now present is an invitation and beautiful opportunity to get in touch with our hearts. To take responsibility of our seemingly tiny, tiny part in this very much needed healing.
It might feel like an impossible task. A struggle of a mountain size magnitude.
But it's "just" a matter of being fully present in the moment, with whatever is, and refrain from letting our heads pulling us hither and tither into worry, explanations and answers."
Worry that we will never find/become/manage.... [X] - name your fear.
"Fear (and sadness) is safe #RichardRudd #GeneKeys "
No need to avoid it or fight it.
"Let's lean into the beauty hidden in the sadness and sense of loneliness and 'not enoughness'!
Let's open our hearts fully to the truth and feeling of separation, and longing for #unity and #wholeness "
#Gentleness - with ourselves first and foremost.
Deck: #ArtOfLoveTarot