Nine of Pent's + Page of Pent's, White Cats + Visconti-Sforza
Daring to 'miss out' is the best investment!
This particular P9 speaks about and encourages us to take risks, as "the riskiest initiatives usually provide the highest profits".
Are we afraid to take a risk? Or are we on the contrary engaging in a risk-game that's NOT for our benefit, blind-sided by an urge for 'high profits'?
The reversed Page talks about immaturity and "lacking in commitment and follow through".
Are we 'lazy' because the fear of risk-taking, or because we're in reality just don't know what we want and end up chasing aforementioned profits ('what's in it for me')?
Or just 'lazy' in general, hoping something will just 'fall into our hands'?
The Cat-Lady doesn't look especially 'risk taking' standing there in her garden, and the Page looks rather passive too!
White Cats - pure integrity.
Visconti-Sforza - traditional beliefs.
Is it the "passivity" in itself that constitute the so called risk?!
Being still is somewhat contrary in todays society! And called passivity or laziness.
Ever heard "Fear Of Missing Out"?! That fear is wide-spread.
By actually 'risking missing out' and refusing to 'hustle' we ARE braking with tradition.
By actively choosing to remain silent, still and contemplative, though others and our patterns give us the message that we are "irresponsible" or will "miss out", we will eventually "win".
As the most mature and evolutionary important action is to take full emotional and energetical responsibility, and only act in alignment with our heart - not to win the Hamster Wheel thing, or engaging in the great Attention Game. Chasing appraisal, wealth and Love.
Having the courage to remain calm and stay on course despite that it looks like 'nothing is coming' and that our 'dreams are far away'. Maybe even take a break from things we THINK we must or should do.
Test what happens if we decide to do NOTHING at all and just stare out in space - or on a beautiful flower!