Nine of Pentacles, Sweet Twilight Tarot
Grab your things and continue on your winding path!
Yesterday, P8/Deep Involvements (R) - no need to dwell on or trying to 'fix things' that are not meant to be fixed!
It might feel a bit like you're sneaking off, if you feel like there's 'something more you want to say', but don't fall into that trap now.
Nothing more to be done, you have everything you need to move on!
I read, feeling like you're "on top of the world" - maybe not (reversed)
But you might do, if you're willing to 'let go' and move on!
And be the "Mistress of your own destiny. Good job!"
Deck: SweetTwilightTarot
Theme: "between two states"
Card: Nine of Pentacles (R)