Nine of Pentacles, Hobbit Tarot


"things you have sought for so long now become evident around you"

It's not that everything is roses and lilies (dark night sky), but things are certainly 'developing for the better'.
Most of all: we're really growing "a sense of our own worth" - we have truly begun to feel our own particular qualities and how to use them!
We're doing and saying things we wouldn't have before - a new kind of courage and confidence (a LOT of Aries activity now) has rooted in us.

This is reflected in what we now attract into our lives - 'gems' of various shapes and sizes appearing everywhere, in all arenas of life. Events, things and relationships. There might also be a kind of flow in our life we have not experienced before.
A new level of calm and trust in life - and ourselves.

It's important to enjoy this, and don't be 'afraid' of it - worry it will be taken away or that it's 'to good to be true' - the universe won't be slow to give us that if we do ,:)
Also important is to not get carried away - become indulgent or greedy and wanting more and more - we had a warning about the latter yesterday (S7). That's merely another kind of worry it will end at any time, but instead of a fear to enjoy (and become 'too attached' to) what is, as it will then hurt to much when we lose it, it becomes an overindulgent 'squeeze every ounce of pleasure out of it before it inevitably will end'.
Hence, the common belief and drive behind both behaviors: it will be taken away.

It's true - things come and go!
It's a natural part of life - spring and autumn and all that.
One isn't better than the other.

Now there are spring energies - seeds are sprouting - let's be brave and enjoy!
Without the fear it will 'inevitably end' attached to it. Embrace it with love and curiosity <3

Imagine what unexpected things can grow out of this if we let go and just curiously like a child go with it!


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