Nine of Cups, Samurai Tarot
Silence isn't a bad thing!
We're so used to a world were people haste, focus on doing, and were distractions are all around.
There's information everywhere, messages and mails twirling, and we've become accustomed to instant answers.
Our patience with delays and waiting are at a high-time low!
It's almost impossible to find a quiet place.
Sadly I'm guessing there are many who've never even experienced it.
As constant chatter and movement is something our system have become familiar with, it's become the comfort zone.
Silence can then become 'painfully loud'.
Panic and anxiety 'inducing'.
But though we may perceive it as it's the delay or silence that triggers our discomfort, it's not the truth.
It's our unfamiliarity with the silence.
And for some: the discomfort of sitting with ourselves.
That which we run from - our own inner world.
In the quiet feelings, thoughts, and for people not having #aphantasia , voices and images can become very disturbing if we're not taught or used to attend to them in a healthy nonjudgmental way.
Today, lets celebrate and bask in silence shall we?!
Whenever we're blessed with periods of 'delay' or silence in some form we're invited to contemplate.
Or meditate, if that's more our cup of tea.
I prefer contemplation. I do it A LOT.
And I often use tools as #Tarot , #Astrology , and since lately also #HumanDesign and #GeneKeys for my contemplation.
Yes my key of Evolution (GeneKeys), my Personality Earth Gate, is Contemplation :)
It's how I ground myself, in myself.
It's how I (sooner or later) arrive at serenity and quiet but intense gratefulness.
Deck: #SamuraiTarot
Theme: Bushido