Nine of Cups + Eight of Wands, Sherlock Holmes + Hobbit


Leaving our hiding to move closer to a more authentic life!

In the first card we have theme of 'coming back from the dead' together with a general reversed meaning of "looking for a more authentic feeling of fulfillment." (
With that information I DEDUCE something like 'waking up to our true needs, wishes and wants'.
In the sense that thought we were happy with life as it was, but we weren't! And for us to realize this we had to experience something to compare with. And, this is not the most pleasant awakening. It's of course awesome to find out what you truly want and need, but it might not be the easiest thing to 'kill off your old life'. 

The C9 text talks about how everyone thought Sherlock died in an accident, but he didn't. But he choose to remain hidden for a time after the incident before 'coming alive' again. To 'fool his adversaries'.

Maybe we've been hiding for a period of time too, while accepting and metabolizing this realization - that our life wasn't as fulfilling as we thought. It now seems like it's time to 'move on' though. To 'do something about it'.
As it's surely not 'getting any better' where we are! Nothing we have 'grown out' becomes any better ,:) It may even actually become outright 'hostile' - I think about the Fellowship taking refuge in the tree tops, Goblins growling beneath their feet, and flames closing in.

For a while it is possible and even necessary to 'hide away', but sooner or later comes the time to ACT.
Now 'sooner' seems to be the recommended choice (W8)

And also - to not fight.
The Companions choose to flee into the trees, and get saved by the Lord of the Eagles from there, who carries them away to safety, and freedom.
Not that a bird, or anyone, will 'come and save us', but I feel that this is equivalent to making a firm and authentic decision and 'trust the process'. Making the decision to leave our hiding, with a clear direction in mind, and 'sniff out the path of least resistance' in that very direction. It may not look like we will be guided to the shortest path, but it will be the fastest! And least painful.


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