Nine of Cups + Chariot, Spirit + Romantic
Hold your horses (or oxen)! There's an energy of lack (thirst) behind current desires that has to be cleared before we can proceed and head for a shared harvest!
This lady isn't just watering her mouth, she's 'filling her empty jugs' (rev).
Lack can NEVER generate a fertile relationship - it WILL impoverish it.
Just like 'money-grabbing (traditional) farming' have slowly killed our soils and give us harvests with less and less nutritional value.
We're experiencing (or denying) some kind of 'thirst' making us 'too wanting'.
Any time we feel impatient to 'get it' or a 'deep longing', if we pause, we will feel this sense of 'needing to fill' this or that. Compared to feeling relaxed, free, and excited for what's coming, because we feel 'enough' as it is. Whatever happens then will be an 'add on', a generative relationship, giving a nurturing harvest. 1+1=3
As long as we need something from a relationship or the other, and feel like we have to control it, the relationship will feel like a continuous compromise or an enterprise - a laborious task to perform rather than a nurturing togetherness with continuous sharing, support, growth, and full freedom for both parts to express themselves and expand in the direction of their souls.
(Together only as long as it serves BOTH souls...which may not be 'till death do us part')
In what ways do we feel 'thirsty' right now, and feel the need to be filled?
How are we trying or waiting to 'be fulfilled' by another?
Or, how are we 'settling' - thirstily trying to harvest from a relationship built on dying soil, no longer yielding nurturing crops?
Are we taking full (radical) responsibility for our own feelings?
Are we giving others full freedom to do the same (including opting out if they feel they must)?