Message in a Bottle + Four of Swords, Dreaming Girl Highway + Erotic Manara
Allowing rough patches to transform you, reveal the true you, and restore your ability to dream!
Emerging from a sewer viaduct.
A roadside graveyard.
You see a dandelion blooming from the mouth, and in the protection, of a broken bottle.
You did it!
You just got through something messy with your soul connection intact.
Lead by your self energy, not running over your (dutyfully) alarming protectors #internalfamilysystems
Acting from the most loving parts of you, though frightened parts were highly active #GaryZukav
Taking the actions that change your life.
You managed to be WITH your feelings instead of In them.
Instead of reacting you responded.
Instead of defending yourself outwardly, you appreciated and embraced yourself inwardly.
That's creating #AuthenticPower
That's healing #HealingTrauma
That's #transformation
"The journey the strips away bindings of dead beliefs gives her back her wonder and restores something precious that was lost, eyes that SEE."
"She allows the world to touch her, change her"
And she soars.
She's not afraid of showing herself anymore.
She knows she is the 'maker of her own movie'.
The matters of the world cannot reach her true self.
Deck: #DreamingGirlHighway
Theme: "connect with your feminine core - or, what does it mean to belong to the unknowable?"
Card: Message in a Bottle
Deck: #ManaraEroticTarot
Theme: "exposure"
Card: Four of Air - Jupiter in Libra (that's me :))
"wakefulness, reflection, unreachable"