Knight of Cups + Ten of Swords, Rosa Orm + Cosmos Tarot and Oracle


The 'Bringer of Light' and 'getting something by unsavory means'.
The cards continue to be cryptic and not as 'immediate as they use to be'!

The S10 talks a lot about getting something we don't 'fully deserve'. Getting a job because someone got laid off is one example mentioned. So I don't feel it's necessary about having 'manipulated things to our favor' as the title suggests.
It's a bit cloudy - not clear. Again: a bit cryptic what that cards actually want to convey.
That is, as unclear as life in general feels now ,:)

Strange things and peculiar synchronicities everywhere.
Peculiar but so obviously intelligently woven together.

So much things 'coming to light' every day (or minute even), so in a sense things are clearer than they have ever been - yet the territory is so new and the uncertainty so palpable.
And again, there's quite some 'contradictoriness' in the situation. Contradiction to everything we've experienced before. Contradiction to 'how it should be' in some sense. Maybe even 'immoral', as the second card touches upon.

A sense that we're not allowed to enjoy whatever it is we've 'stumbled upon', or even bring it to light.
That we should be ashamed of ourselves?!
Look at that apparent split - wide smiling Lucia and sad long faced Medusa 'awaiting her death'

According to what and whom should we 'opt to be sad'??
And why?

With that said - it's not about just opting for the positive route, it's often very important to bring the sadness and shame into the light and "pull it up by the roots"! When the roots go deep it's not fruitful to 'reason it away' with 'justifications', and it cannot just be overwritten.

It seems as if there is both shame and a portion of 'not being worth something' in the mix - perpetuating each other.
Just keep shining light on it!

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