King of Wands + Mystic of Bridges, Gamble-Hounsome + Radiant Wisdom
Less control and thinking, and a little more 'sleep on it' and this will develop into something radiant 'by itself'!
Were faced with primal, motivational forces - within ourselves or in another.
These just can't be managed in the traditional way - through logic and strategy!
Because then we risk quenching them altogether.
It more a matter of "self-focus" than "self-control".
Directing the energy rather than controlling it.
Not actively restraining it, but inviting it to rest a little. And 'see what's left when we wake up'.
Primal energy like this likely contains a mix of inspiration and reaction.
There's a 'core of truth', but layers of 'conditioning' on top of it.
A little like running towards your North Node before having dealt enough with stuff in your South Node.
The shortest way isn't always the fastest way :)
If we don't let this take a little time, we will have to go back later. Or 'unforeseen delays' WILL raise. So we might as well take the advise to consciously rein the energy, 'clean out old debris', so this really can be the 'fresh start' it has the potential to be!
We don't want to 'end up were we started' just because we 'couldn't help ourselves' do we?
What's 'a few more nights' in the long run? :)
Let's have the wherewithal to 'sleep on it', and 'savor the moment'!
Enjoy the inspiration and spark, but not mindlessly run away with it.
Resting on it will make the 'reaction part' of the energy ebb away and leave the 'truth' in it's wake - and we can move forward with a sense of calm 'knowing' instead of the 'hungry wanting' that overshadows the energy right now.
Or the rest will trigger something (anger, fear, resistance, etc) - which has to be dealt with before we move forward.
Deck1: #GambleHounsomeTarot
Deck2: #RadiantWisdomTarot