King of Pent's + Queen of Swords, Heart of Stars + New Chapter


Use your discernment, don't hold grudges!

Interesting couple, Bruce Lee and the statue of liberty?!
King of Pent's 2 days in a row and #NewChapterTarot 2 times in 3 days, so those parameters seems to be extra important.

When starting a new chapter or project one typically encounter novel information, and maybe new people.
We saw a little bit of this already yesterday, when the cards reminded us to continue our 'awakening work' (S4 R) with an adult approach (KingP) and not get back in bed and sulk because something didn't feel as good as we hoped.

Similar theme today. A recommendation to put on our big boy pants and lay down our inclination to judge!
Maybe we don't agree with everything others are sayin, but let's respect the others' point of view. Lets remember they are 'loveable people' just like we are, though they aren't 'meeting us were, or as, we like'.

"Judge not, that ye be not judged." Matthew 7:1-5

We don't have to let everyone know when we don't agree with them, and we definitely don't have to "correct" others' perspectives - which judgment is about, whether we say it out loud or not.
Even in a learning/course situation we can...
"Absorb what is useful, discard what is not, add what is uniquely your own" ~BruceLee

Instead of judging or correcting we can choose to just not absorb. Sift out what is useful and meaningful, and leave the rest.
No need to be dramatic or expressive about about "cutting it out", just leave it be.
And then, 'add our own flavour' - out loud, or to ourselves.
Out loud only if we can do it without an 'icy touch' to it, and are without 'expectations on the outcome' or how it should be received.
If we can stay calm and stable in our own views no matter how others react or respond to them, or not.

Managing perceived judgment is a part of the work!
It's not just about not judging others but also about not holding grudges if others judge us.
Their judgment only mirrors the judgment we still carry within.


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