King of Pent's + Page of Swords, Sweet Twilight + Egyptian
Having each other's backs is a two-way street - which can annoy us people who dislike to ask for assistance ,:)
Yep, to us it's annoying to feel 'forced by the universe' to ask for help.
That is - having things we're not able to fix ourselves, or don't understand, braking down or malfunctioning.
Or find ourselves in a situation were we're lacking the means, tools or machinery to perform certain necessary functions.
Sure, some of it may be solvable manually - but what if our bodies aren't up for it, or 'time doesn't allow it'?
We prefer to be 'self-sufficient'. Not 'leaning on others'.
Or - the ones 'giving a hand' - like the "squire" in the second card.
We prefer to be the one 'serving the knight', the one 'standing strong and supportive'.
Now the universe is giving us a 'training opportunity'.
Maybe it's not even to practice asking for help, maybe it's to practice 'letting someone serve us'.
Maybe the one we need to ask for help is a person who thrives in the 'giving/serving/supporting role'?!
Who are we to be so absorbed in our own discomfort and 'perceived weakness', and deprive another of that joy?!
Any real and true relationship involves giving AND receiving - serving AND being served.