King of Pentacles, Servants of the Light Tarot


You don't always have to be the one who provides!

"The bees come and go among the flowers and act as messengers"

Let information and events to go hither and tither and unfold, staying somewhat passively.
Focus on 'being' and basically "hold your shit together"! :D

Refrain from controlling things, or scatter your resources and energies by showing up and/or being available everywhere for everyone. Patiently 'be' while all "bees" flutter from one flower to the next, collecting, trying to figure out and decide what they want and what they need for themselves. 

The way to be a 'Servant of the Light' in this situation is to stand back a bit, and don't make any hasty moves or interventions. 
Also, beware of acting or doing things with "good intentions", or similar reasons - it may 'cost you dearly'!

It's ok to be a little bit lazy and inactive today ;)
While figuring out where and how to spend your energies and resources best.

"He may be slow but he gets there and will not make any mistakes along the way"

Deck: Servants of the Light Tarot
Theme: "In the Service of Bringing Light into the World"
Card: Maker of Spheres (R)

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