King of Cups + The Tower, Parrott Tarot + Ellis decK
An "overly enthusiastic" man helping us tear down our walls?!
A very teachable (Parrott Tarot) and quite overwhelming period.
Very well timed upheaval, considering tomorrow's full Moon on Uranus, and Pluto entering Aquarius "for good" on the 19th. (And personally having my Uranus opposition and recent Progressed New Moon - in 4th, the house of family and roots)
King of Cups
"graceful, poetic, sensual, but enthusiastic when aroused"
Now maybe a bit overboard in the enthusiasm department ,:)
Because it has to be that way.
To provoke the fall of "The Tower", a "building" that no longer keep us safe, but rather is something "keeping good things out". A "construction" that is "against the flow". Because in it, we keep ourselves 'aloof'.
Continuing to stay 'comfortably detached' goes against the flow of the times in general, and the situation we're in in particular.
By the look of it, we now have someone in our lives who is suitable eager to help us tear this construction down - and I think we're guided to 'let this happen'. (Though my fears disagree)
"the period following the destruction will be more harmonious and in sync"