King of Cups + Four of Pent's, Dream Raven + Fire
No more - 'I am'!
Fully waking up to how much we (historically) "have devoted too much time in trying to make everyone else happy."
Right on time - North Node hanging out in Aries (South Node in Libra).
In the beginning of awakening and reprogramming oneself the pendulum might swing the other direction for a while, before we 'find the middle ground' - balance, the 'sweet spot'.
We have the rest of 2023 and the whole of 2024 to explore this "I am" (Aries) theme.
Exploring and putting our own deepest individual needs first - "compromise/the other" second.
If The Other does the same - both is taken care of - by their selves :)
It's 'truth telling time' #Honesty #RadicalHonesty
Especially SELFhonesty - being honest with ourselves.
Meaning that some things in our life will have to go this upcoming 1,5 year period.
Things not 'vibing' or resonating with our wishes, desires, dreams, wants, needs - aka our authentic path - the road our soul is ment to walk. So that we can learn what we are here to learn, and do what we are here to do.
And not get stuck in a loop or hamster wheel of 'pleasing' - doing what others expect or want us to do, twisting ourselves as to 'fit in' or 'be accepted'.
If we're not accepted, explicitly appreciated and feel that our needs (that we by now have realized and know that we have) aren't met - maybe it's time to move on or change something?
That we stand up for ourselves - ideally not in the forceful way of the 2nd card ':) But something like it 'might happen' in the beginning of 'breaking free'.
Time to make a promise to ourselves to not repress our authenticity and emotional needs any longer. To settle for no less then a 'job' where, and people with whom, 'all of us' is embraced, and our unique capabilities and uniqueness come to use.