Justice + 10 of Swords, Spirit + Muse
The battle between reasoning and intuition continues!
For the first card I read 'vacillation', and also 'severity in judgment'.
I get the feeling that we're being too hard on our selves.
Most probably in terms of being afraid to listen to, and follow, our inner 'muse'? The one talking to us by means of small quiet inner yes:es and no:s, and feelings and sparks of inspiration.
That we habitually or automatically let them be overridden by much louder voices of rationalization and 'reasoning'.
Or, that we're finally in the process of turning this habit over.
This very much echoes the 'intuition vs analysis' conflict shown yesterday.
There the 'thinking side/part' turned it's back to the intuitive sensing part - feeling 'stabbed in the back' when we don't blindly listen to and follow its 'sound and well calculated guidance' without blinking, as we probably used to do.
We did that, or we succumbed to doubt and some uncomfortable mix of guilt and shame. And voila - our 'defensive system won'!
While in truth we through this 'vacillation' actually stab and kill our inspiration!
We 'get back in line', and are told by the same 'inner savior' that we 'avoided making a (huge) mistake'.
'Good girl'.
On and on. In this way life and actually living it slips through our fingers over and over.
Done with it!
Again, it's not about the situation or the question/matter itself - it's about listening more to intuition and inspiration than 'reason'. Less judgment, 'figuring out', and doing right/wrong, and more about having the courage to 'act beyond reason'.